Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Global Issue is the most important?

Global issues are issues that concern the world and its population such as global warming/climate change, social, political, and poverty. So, which is more important?

I think that overpopulation is the most important global issue in this moment. Right now, there are more then 7 million people living on earth, with only a limited amount of space and resource. There is only so much people the earth can hold, and we are soon reaching the max capacity. With 7 million people on earth, it's not a far-fetched thought that soon, there would not be enough fresh water and food for everyone, and since poverty is a major issue, it would become even worse. Overpopulation of the earth also causes other well-known global issues such as global warming. When our population increases, we need more space for us to live in, in which we must cut down trees or clear fields of grass in order to build/apartment houses. Overpopulation can be linked to many of the world's global issue in this moment, and by solving this problem, we can make our earth better.

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